Scattered manuscripts, multiple authorships, textual dynamics: Challenges in editing the Tractatus contra articulos Hussitarum (1414-18/1424)
Christina Traxler, Department of Historical Theology, University of Vienna
This paper presents some of the challenges that came along with editing one of the most
influential and widespread treatises against the Hussites in early 15th century: the Tractatus
contra articulos Hussitarum, compiled about 1424 by Peter of Pulkau, Bartholomäus of Ebrach
and Jacob of Clavaro on behalf of the papal legate Branda di Castiglioni (ed. by C. Traxler,
Corpus Christianorum – Continuatio Mediaevalis 305, Turnhout: Brepols Publishers 2020).
With 56 copies mostly from the 15th century still extant, the Tractatus ranges among the most
popular writings against the nascent Hussite movement. The paper discusses fundamental
challenges in editing such a widespread text (selection of manuscripts for the critical edition,
stemma codicum, missing autograph, codicological descriptions of the manuscripts etc.).
Besides that, it refers to the problem of ‘multiple authorships’ and presents theories how the
three authors might have collaborated in compiling this text or can be identified by lacking
evidence. Furthermore, it shows why the Viennese Tractatus is not a homogeneous document,
but a grown and dynamic text: The paper argues that the longest part of the treatise (arguing
against the chalice for lay people) is older than the other parts and was already written between
1414 and 1418, in a direct polemic between a Hussite (probably Jacobellus de Misa) and his
catholic opponent, and was only later added to the refutation of the other three Articles of
Prague. This composite text eventually became the Tractatus contra articulos Hussitarum
collectus in universitate Wiennensi.