Iulian-Mihai Damian - Researcher of the Romanian Academy, Institute of History of Cluj-Napoca and Lecturer of Classics at the Babeș Bolyai University, Faculty of Letters. Classicist, he went on to specialise in History and Cultural Studies, and wrote a doctoral dissertation in medieval studies. He continued his specialisation in Italy, Suisse Confederation and UK. From 2007 to 2017 he worked as scientific secretary and librarian to the Romanian Academy in Rome. From 2012 teaches Latin at the Department of Classics at the University of Cluj-Napoca.
His publications include the book John Capistran and the Latter Crusade (Cluj-Napoca 2011), the critical edition of the Strategicon adversum Turcos of Lampugnino Birago (Rome 2017), as well as two dozen academic articles, book chapters and reviews on the political and ecclesiastical history of the 15th Century, Medieval and Renaissance written culture.