Adinel C. Dincă (Romanian Academy of sciences, Cluj-Napoca)– Researcher at ‘George Bariţiu’ Institute of History, Romanian Academy, involved in editing the Documenta Romaniae Historica. C. Transilvania series of charters regarding the medieval history of Transylvania. – Associate professor at the Faculty of History, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, teaching areas: «Latin Palaeography and Diplomatic», «Medieval History of Transylvania», «Medieval State, Society and Culture». – Co-founder and director of „TRANS.SCRIPT. The Centre for Diplomatic and Medieval Documentary Palaeography”, Cluj-Napoca, coordinating its main objectives: teaching, research and cooperation, providing an up-to-date approach to the study of palaeography and of the disciplines that support the unmediated analysis of written historical sources. – Author of several studies on medieval Transylvanian literacy and church history. – Areas of interest: Latin palaeography, diplomatic, codicology, prosopography, sigillography, history of the Latin Church and its institutions, medieval jurisprudence and philosophy. – Additional information: